​​​​Pulse Oxisensor – On Demand – SMART Value Analysis Success Model

Best Practices – Fast Savings Strategies – VA Study Protocol – Cohort Benchmarks

This has been a 10 year journey for me in documenting, improving, and gaining the buy-in of clinicians throughout the healthcare industry, as well as showing them how to dramatically reduce costs and keep them sustained. This is accomplished while maintaining or improving the quality of pulse oxisensor reads and most importantly, giving some precious time back to clinicians that they were wasting in dealing with the endless amounts of oxisensors in their healthcare organizations. These strategies, tools, and methods will work universally from very small community hospitals to very large university teaching and specialty hospitals.

Robert W. Yokl, Program Leader

P.S. I have performed well over 200 Pulse Oxisensor Value Analysis/Supply Utilization VA Studies over the past 10 years. I continue this journey to bring newer, faster, and more quality savings opportunities to you.

What Kind of Savings Can You Expect from This Dynamic Program?

All Savings Documented Below Are 100% Beyond Contract Price!

  • $4.3 Million or 76% Savings
  • 51% or $860K First Year Savings
  • $42% or $127K Annually
  • $1.4 Million in Savings
  • $4.3 Million or 76% Savings
  • $4.3 Million (76%) in Pulse Oxisensor Savings Over 4 Years for a 363 Bed Community Medical Trauma Center – Sustained for 5 Plus Years Now!
  • 51% or $860K First Year Savings
  • $860K for 480 Bed University Teaching Medical Center – First Year Savings
  • $42% or $127K Annually
  • $127K First Year Savings for 130 Bed Community Hospital – Sustained for 7 Years Now!
  • $1.4 Million in Savings
  • $1.4 Million (39%) in Savings in the First Two Years After Oxisensor Results for 1040 Bed Community Health System – Sustained for 2 Years Now!

Learn How to Save 15% to 76% of Total Pulse Oxisensor Spend

  • Learn the Top 12 Proven Best Savings and Quality Improvement Strategies from Actual VA Studies
  • Gain Insights into How to Analyze Not Only the Price of the Oxisensor Products, but to View their Utilization Like You Have Never Seen It Before
  • View a Value Analysis Case Study that Will Teach You Everything You Need to Know About Saving with Pulse Oxisensors
  • Learn How to Gain Buy-In from Your Clinicians
  • Learn How to Overcome the Normal Objections and Excuses as to Why Pulse Oxisensor Costs are Running High
  • Utilize a Quick Spreadsheet Tool to Analyze Your Oxisensor Costs in the Short and Long Term to Sustain Your Gains

Listen to the First Few Minutes of the Program to Find Out What This Dynamic On Demand Program Will Give You

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Are You Ready to Take Your Oxisensor Savings to a New Level Beyond Your Current Contract Savings?

Pulse Oxisensor – SMART Value Analysis Success Model

Find out today how you can learn everything there is to learn about reducing costs beyond contract price on pulse oxisensors. Quickly become an expert from benchmarking utilization to learning all the best practices to reducing costs and improving the quality of patient care.

Deliverables are:

  • On Demand Video Program
  • Pulse Oxisensor SMART VA Success Model Slides
  • Pulse Oxisensor Benchmark Spreadsheet with Benchmarks





What Are Professionals Saying About the SMART Value Analysis Success Model?

“Thank you for the valuable information you’ve provided.  I believe this will help me quite a bit in my value analysis.” Value Analysis Manager, Supply Chain Services

“We will put the elements of this program to good use soon!” Value Analysis Facilitator

“Excellent info. Thanks so much!” Corporate Director of Purchasing

“Wow, it’s like a supercharged evidence based report but with all of the benchmarks, best practices, and protocols!” Director of Strategic Sourcing


Best Practices – Fast Savings Strategies – VA Study Protocol – Cohort Benchmarks

This has been a 10 year journey for me in documenting, improving and gaining the buy-in of clinicians throughout the healthcare industry and showing them how to dramatically reducing costs and keeping them sustained.  All while maintaining or improving the quality of pulse oxisensor reads and most importantly, giving some precious time back to clinicians that they were wasting in dealing with the endless amounts of Oxisensors in their healthcare organizations. These strategies, tools and methods will work universally from very small community hospitals to very large university teaching and specialty hospitals.





Robert W. Yokl, Program Leader

P.S.  I have performed well over 200 Pulse Oxisensor Value Analysis/Supply Utilization VA Studies over the past 10 years.  I continue this journey to bring newer, faster and more quality savings opportunities to you!

What Kind of Savings Can You Expect from This Dynamic Program?

All Savings Documented Below is 100% Beyond Contract Price!

$4.3 Million or 76% Savings
51% or $860K First Year Savings
$42% or $127K Annually
$1.4 Million in Savings
$4.3 Million or 76% Savings

$4.3 Million (76%) in Pulse Oxisensor Savings Over 4 years for a 363 Bed Community Medical Trauma Center – Sustained for 5 plus Years Now!

51% or $860K First Year Savings

$860K for 480 Bed University Teaching Medical Center – First Year Savings

$42% or $127K Annually

$127K First Year Savings for 130 Bed Community Hospital – Sustain for 7 Years Now!

$1.4 Million in Savings

$1.4 Million (39%) in Savings in First Two Years after Oxisensor Results for 1040 Bed Community Health System – Sustain for 2 Years Now!

Learn How to Save 15% to 76% of Total Pulse Oxisensors Spend

  • Learn the Top 12 Proven Best Savings and Quality Improvement Strategies from Actual VA Studies
  • Gain Insights in How to Analyze Not Only the Price of the Oxisensors Products but to View the Utilization Like You Have Never Seen It Before
  • View a Value Analysis Case Study that Will Teach You Everything You Need to Know About Savings with Pulse Oxisensors
  • Learn How to Gain the Buy-In from Your Clinicians
  • Learn How to Overcome the Normal Objections and Excuses Why Pulse Oxisensor Costs are Running High
  • Utilize a Quick Spreadsheet Tool to Analyze Your Oxisensor Costs in the Short and Long Terms to Sustain Your Gains

Listen to the First Few Minutes of the Program to Find Out What This Dyanmic On Demand Program Will Give You

Are You Ready to Take Your Oxisensor Savings to a New Level Beyond Your Current Contract Savings?

Are You Ready pulse oxisensors

On Demand Program Cost $166 (1 Hour 45 minutes Run Time)

Pulse Oxisensor – SMART Value Analysis Success Model

Find out today how you can learn everything there is to learn about reducing costs beyond contract price on pulse oxisensors.   Quickly become an expert from benchmarking utilization to learning all the best practices to reducing costs and improving the quality of patient care.

Deliverables are:

  • On Demand Video Program
  • Pulse Oxisensor SMART VA Success Model Slides
  • Pulse Oxisensor Benchmark Spreadsheet with Benchmarks





What Are They Saying About the SMART Value Analysis Success Model

“Thank you for the valuable information you’ve provided.  I believe this will help me quite a bit in my value analysis.”

Value Analysis Manager, Supply Chain Services


“We will put the elements of this program to good use soon!”

Value Analysis Facilitator


“Excellent Info. – thanks so much!”

Corporate Director of Purchasing

“Wow it’s like a supercharged evidence based report but with all of the benchmarks, best practices and protocols!”

Director of Strategic Sourcing

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