December 29


6 Ways to Gain Customer Buy-In to Hospital Value Analysis Changes

By Danielle Miller

December 29, 2021

healthcare organization, Healthcare Value Analysis, hospital value analysis, value analysis, value analysis changes, value analysis study

1. Do your homework so you can make a good business case for change. Your customers can tell when you haven’t done your homework!

2. Translate supply chain terminology into understandable terms that your customers or anyone can understand.

3. Ask good questions to uncover important facts, information, or processes that are vital to the success of your study.

4. Empathize, listen, and understand their needs and where they are coming from before you make your recommendations for change.

5. Give multiple options that your customers can choose from so they feel they are making the decision instead of getting one product chosen for them.

6. Be persistent. There are going to be bumps in the road but you just have to shake them off and keep moving forward with the changes you know are important to your healthcare organization and customers.

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Danielle Miller

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