October 18


Certified Value Analysis Advisor™ Program Provides Insights, Alignment and Trust with Your Value Analysis Customers

By Robert Yokl

October 18, 2018

Advisor, Certified Value Analysis Advisor, customers, CVAA, decision-making, health system, healthcare, hospital, professionals, purchases, Sales, sales perspective, va, value analysis

The 2018 Healthcare Supply Chain Trends Survey conducted by CAPS Research found that both healthcare suppliers and providers wanted to build trust levels to be even more robust with their supply chain partners in 2018 and beyond. This is because they both realized going forward that they will need each other’s trust, cooperation, and combined skills to weather the negative effects of The Affordable Care Act.

How Do You Gain More Engagement, Integrity, and Trust with Value Analysis Professionals and Their Teams?

The challenge for sales professionals today is being locked out of the entire value analysis process with little or no contact with the true decision makers, thus, becoming just pricing providers. This is not the consultative and/or strategic model of sales that we have been taught over the years, so we are finding ourselves on the outside looking in. The question is, how do we become trusted advisors to our clients and prospects?

Certified Value Analysis Advisor™ (CVAA) Program Will Give You the Winning Perspective That You Are Missing to Grow Greater Sales

In a perfect world, you would just learn value analysis in the same way that the hospital, system, and IDN value analysis professionals learn it, but without the VA sales perspective. However, this approach won’t help you grow your business because it is counterintuitive. That’s why our CVAA program is tailored to show you the value analysis world from the sales perspective, then gives you the most important insights and strategies to ensure your sales success. Here’s a sampling of what you will learn from this course:

  • Learn how to quickly show the value of your offerings to value analysis professionals instead of dropping your price
  • Understand the dynamics of any value analysis program even though they are all different in many ways
  • Find out how you can maintain and/or improve your market share with value analysis
  • Learn how to make your customers and your value analysis job much easier and make buying decisions faster
  • Acquire the knowledge of how to better assist your customers’ value analysis practitioners to gain even greater market share

Just as important, we will teach you the little-known secrets of Value Analysis Selling™, such as, purchase cost is only the tip of the iceberg. In fact, our studies show that price savings, when divided by total hospital, system, or IDN purchases for any given year, only amount to 1%, 2% or 3% reduction in a healthcare organizations’ purchase cost. Accordingly, when healthcare organizations focus on their total cost of acquisition to disposition on their purchasing, these new savings average about 25%. That’s the edge you need to close the sale.

How to Build New, Better, and Longer Lasting Relationships that Work

As mentioned, our CVAA program will open those closed doors for you that have been shut tight because of your customers’ poor decision-making systems. You may not know it, but you are in an evolutionary time in healthcare sales where your customers are finding new ways, like value analysis, to short circuit your selling process with their own value-based processes to hold you at bay. If you or your sales team don’t have new value-based tools, strategies, and tactics to combat this new breed of buyer (i.e. value analysis practitioner), who have new measurements for value, then you will be left holding the empty bag.


Want to learn more about how you can become a Certified Value Analysis Advisor?

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Robert Yokl

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