1. Recognize Their Hard Work When It is Presented. Don’t underestimate the power of recognition in meetings in front of their peers.
2. Implement a Formal Rewards and Recognition System for Your VA Teams. Value analysis projects equal added special projects for your team members. Incentivize them for what they view as added duties and tasks beyond the norm.
3. Create VA Team Contests. Create a contest for most projects completed, most savings or quality goals, etc. Make it competitive and your teams will answer especially in a multi-team environment.
4. Ask Your President, CEO, and/or COO to Come Talk to Your Team About the Importance of Their Value Analysis Work. The higher in the organization, the more weight it will carry.
5. Write Up Your VA Team’s Success Stories. Have them published in internal newsletters or industry magazines.
6. Bring in Trainers and Educators. They will teach new techniques to make your team’s job easier and more efficient. When you invest in education, there is a payback on your investment with your teams having the added knowledge.
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